"Broadcast on television: september 9th, 9PM." La 2 de TVE
"Show in Argentina: from november 2nd to 6th" Puerto Madryn International Film Festival, MAFICI 2016
"Show in Barcelona:
may 27th and 29th" Docs Barcelona -
"Premiére in Spain:
september 19th" San Sebastian International Film Festival - Zinemaldía. Culinary Zinema -
"Premiére in Germany:
february 14th" Berlin International Film Festival - Berlinale. Culinary Cinema -
"Premiére in Argentina:
april 14th" Buenos Aires International Independent Film Festival - BAFICI. Panorama
Mugaritz and La Fura dels Baus
Cuisine and theatre are not necessarily tied to each other. Luckily, Mugaritz doesn’t only offer food, and it’s not only theater what La Fura dels Baus does. That difference that separates them from their respective worlds might be what unites them. They are two teams in constant evolution, whose tillers have always pointed towards the most creative, most disruptive destination, on which, at the same time, makes them grow and evolve so that it affects everyone that participates in their projects. The same way the furero denies a stage, the cook exceeds the muga in each recipe
The first time La Fura dels Baus and Mugaritz collaborated was in 2010 with Degustación de Titus Andronicus, based on a play by W. Shakespeare, which premiered on the 7th of April of 2010 in Tabakalera, Donostia. This first time, Mugaritz was in charge of the gastronomic direction of the show. Two years later, Wild game came, based on the ancestrality of the ingredients, blood and game, and presented in the wildest surroundings, La Fura coproduced this 4 minute short film. Later, in 2014, La Fura and Mugaritz collaborated in another project, a story about one of the tableware pieces that have been most spoken about in Mugaritz: TABA. Andoni Luis Aduriz develops a culinary performance in which the game constitutes the main feature in one of his creations and the taba (the sheep’s ankle bone) represents its material form. These two short films premiered at the Berlinale in its editions of 2013 and 2014, respectively.

OFF-ROAD is a philosophical and ethological documentary about Mugaritz.
La Fura dels Baus distils what they consider essential in this world, their most intimate philosophies. The ideas behind the work, the way trouble is overcome, what is suffered and enjoyed, what excellence means to them; to sum up, how Mugaritz is created and destroyed constantly. Risk is constant, that is the idea behind the title, but it’s also proof of the wisdom that comes from the effort and work of many people that have been, are and will be in Mugaritz; a place where the culinary goal has been surpassed by the creative process and its possible variations.
The Director: Pep Gatell
“A gourmet tends to transgress cuisine; they see beyond the stove, they are close to alchemy, architecture, the mise en scène, the aromatics… close to many disciplines that relate more to art than nutrition itself, still bearing it in mind. In gastronomy, as in any of our works, everything has to play its part for the dish to be excellent. That means years of trial and error, discipline, work, knowledge and a bit of luck.”
Pep Gatell
Creative Director at La Fura dels Baus
Pep Gatell is one of six artistic directors of the catalan theatre company La Fura dels. He Has collaborated in the development of the Furan language, a method of collective creation based on friction and under the only tirany of “the best idea is the one that goes”.
Since 1990, he collaborates in the first editions of Art Futura, an environment in which he is able to work with robot programmers at Sillicon Valley: Survival Research Laboratories, as a technical producer in Barcelona. He also collaborates with Rebeca Allen, videoartist and programmer on the first flight simulators for the United States Air Force (USAF). In the cinema industry he collaborated in the films Un Parell d’Ous by F. Bellmunt, Pasión Lejana by J. Garay and El Pont de Varsòvia by P. Portabella. In the film Goya en Burdeos by Carlos Saura, he designed and directed the war disaster scenes. In 2014 at the Castle of Monjuic, Barcelona, he premiered the show MURS that featured an app that used as a guide to the show. The first smartshow ever, an interactive environment through a wifi network that was set up for the performance.
Andoni Luis Aduriz
“I’d like this documentary to reflect the capacity of each human being of transcending the impossible; I want it to spark in the viewer the willingness to surpass their own expectations.”
Andoni Luis Aduriz
Chef at Mugaritz
Fact Sheet
English title: OFF ROAD. Mugaritz, feeling a way.
Basque title: ZEHARBIDEAN. Ekinaren sena, Mugaritz.
Director: Pep Gatell (La Fura dels Baus)
Original idea: Andoni Luis Aduriz, Pep Gatell
Production: Nadala Fernández
Filming: Sara López and Pol Aregall
Photography: Pol Aregall
Music: Àlex Ferrer (The Groove)
Country: Spain
Year of production: 2015
Executive production: Irene Aldareguia (IXO producciones), Francisco Javier Allende Arias (Euskaltel), Andrés Luque (TVE), Nadala Fernández (Tempus Fugit)
Producers: IXO Producciones, La Fura dels Baus, Euskaltel, Radio Televisión Española.
Especial collaboration: Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa – Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia, Basquetour, Dekton, G. H. Mumm.
Distribution and international sales: IXO producciones
Premiére in Spain:september 19th, 2015, San Sebastian International Film Festival, Culinary Zinema
Premiére in Germany: february 14th, 2016, Berlin International Film Festival, Culinary Cinema
Premiére in Argentina: april 14th, 2016, Buenos Aires International Independent Film Festival, Panorama